Preventing Tragedy

Preventing Tragedy

As the newly elected President of the SPCS Board of Directors, I feel honored and privileged to be a small part of this awesome community organization.  As a nurse and paramedic for over 40 years, I have had to care for many patients and families dealing and living...
Caitlin at the Window

Caitlin at the Window

Joe Crookston is a beloved singer-songwriter who lives in Ithaca, NY. He wrote this song after losing a friend to suicide but also with Dylan Thomas in mind.   Read more posts for...
Remembering Sue Knight

Remembering Sue Knight

Sue Knight was my teammate on the Cornell Polo Team in the 80s.  She was a fantastic horsewoman and one of my closest friends. In January of 2013, Sue died by suicide. She suffered from a terrible illness. The illness is called depression. Many of her friends did not...
Two Empty Chairs and a Conversation

Two Empty Chairs and a Conversation

I’m not afraid to admit that mental health diagnosis run in the family. I was never around when my grandmother lost three of her four brothers and her father to suicide. I took this picture as a memory of a time with my mother. And a conversation. A friend of...